Friday, 3 February 2017

Langkawi Bird Watching: PULSE

I didn't expect this coming and indeed very thankful for their appreciation on their birdwatching tour with me. Aimee and Stephen from Australia came on my birdwatching tour while on their honeymoon vacation in Langkawi. 

Stephen has started DSLR photography not too long ago and is very keen to take wildlife shots. Both of them are new to birdwatching. And I am new to this camera gadget device that Stephen was using on that day, which is Pulse by Alphine Labs.

Pulse is a camera remote gadget to control a camera wirelessly from a smartphone. It allows control over shooting photos, time lapse or video in real time. Stephen cleverly showed me some of his time-lapse photos and I was impressed. 
pulse wireless camera control timelapse camera remote
Image from
This is a photo taken by Stephen's Canon 70D with his wide lens with Pulse attached:
Aimee, me and Stephen on Langkawi Bird Watching tour with a photo taken using remote control gadget, Pulse

Guess what arrived in my postbox a month later?
My New Year gift from Aimee and Stephen Baird. Thank you!

Thank you so much for this gadget and your encouragement, Aimee and Stephen. I got a new toy to play with...Yipppeeee!

Towards the end of our birdwatching tour, we were rewarded with a dozen of Black-Winged Stilts! And I didn't expect a big turn up of this wader species. 
Langkawi bird watching tour: A flock of Black-Winged Stilts, migratory waders

Not only Pulse, Stephen and Aimee have kindly wrote me review  via Langkawi Nature Guide facebook page

One is a pure birdwatcher and the one is a photographer. Perfect match to complement each other! The heavy rain on their first attempt did not dampen their spirit to go out again. Wishing both of them all the happiness

All the very best to Aimee and Stephen and I like to see more birds photos from them.