Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Langkawi Sunset, After The Rainy Week

I so love the rainy week in Langkawi. A rainy week does disrupt most nature and outdoor activities, but hey, Langkawi has more hot and sunny days. I personally do cherish the wet season as it helps to cool down the temperature on the island and it is more pleasant to do stuffs at home. (I ain't got air-condition in the house and so it gets terribly hot during most days.)
This post is for those who has loved and cherished the rainy week a few days ago, this is the reward after the rain. Sunny during the day and stunning sunset at Pantai Cenang.

I was at my favourite rice field area yesterday evening to check out the Black-winged Stilts. There were two of them flying back and forth looking for a roosting spot.
A pair of Black-winged Stilt. And as usual, they were far away.
I noticed the sun was going down with the bright colours and I knew I have to capture this moment.

Enjoy the stunning sunset photos at different time and angle.
At 6:57pm. Mat chinchang Hill as the backdrop.
At 6:59pm.
At 7:01pm, the flooded rice field.
At 7:02pm.
Still at 7:02pm, different angle.
At 7:02pm with the coconut trees.
At 7:07pm, looking at the direction of Pantai Cenang.
At 7:08pm with the rice fields.
At 7:10pm.
At 7:12pm.
At 7:14pm.
At 7:16pm, watching a flock of Purple Herons flying towards the horizon to roost.
At 7:19pm.
At 7:20pm.
As I watched flocks and flocks of waders flying over me to the other side for roosting, I felt that they had a productive day yesterday. Hope you like this sunset moment.