Friday, 13 November 2020

To Post or Not to Post? The Problem of Information At Our Fingertips

I finally got my cool waterfall fix since the lockdown. 

This pristine spot is no stranger to the locals here and has been getting more visitors especially when some of these YouTubers or “social media influencers” showing off details on how to get there. There are always two sides of a coin by doing that. Indeed that every soul deserves to enjoy nature with clean air and water. The other side of the coin would be inviting irresponsible visitors leaving behind trash and cigarette butts. I picked up a lot of rubberbands and some sweet wrappers. I believe these rubberbands were used for wrapping their picnic food. However today, I noticed a group of responsible ladies bringing their trash out as they were leaving. Thank you! 

You may bring or tell someone who is responsible but who can guarantee that someone will bring along a responsible visitor. Our phone technology has been so vital and important but yet it poses threat to endangered species when someone uses for their own gain. A beautiful place will eventually be spoiled due to social media popularity and easy access.

It took me awhile to consider to post this photo or not. I felt this photo will help bring my thoughts and message out. Besides, this spot is no longer a secret anymore.

I am sure you will understand if I don't reveal the location here.