Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Temurun Waterfall as Beautiful as Ever

Did anyone promise you sunny days in Langkawi? Hope not! It has been raining for the past couple of days. The fun does not stop on rainy days. Langkawi needs lots of rain to have this awesome waterfall at Temurun Waterfall on Jalan Datai.

This is how Temurun Waterfall looks like now. These were photographed while it was still raining.
From a distance
While it was still raining...

After an unproductive solo birdwatching along Jalan Datai, I was happy not to go home empty handed (without memorable photos). My solo birdwatching ended with the arrival of the rain. Thanks to that!
A Crested Serpent Eagle looking gloom in the grey sky
It was past lunch time and I just have to stop at a street food stall for these goodies too!

A pack of Nasi Lemak (left) and "Tepung Bungkus" (right)
"Tepung Bungkus" in Bahasa language literally means Wrapped Flour. The white stuff is made with mixture of wheat flour, rice flour, coconut milk, sweet grated coconut filling then wrapped and steamed with banana leaf. Excellent dessert for breakfast or tea!

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